Vision and Mission


The vision of Ramadevi College of Education is to give shape to the society whose life breath is human excellence. It strives to produce committed and enlightened service-oriented agents to educate the downtrodden, the poor and the marginalized, who in turn will arise and shine, spreading the rays of God’s wisdom and knowledge in every nook and corner of this world at large.

  • Life orientation programmes
  • Exposure to social realities with all Action – Reflection approach
  • Special sessions with the help of guest lecturers
  • Preferential option for the poor
  • Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
  • Cultural and educational tours
  • Intensive and extensive teaching practice
  • Special coaching for communication skills and spoken English
  • Use of modern technology like audio visual and language laboratories
  • Retreats, reflection programmes
  • Promoting meditation and yoga
  • Sports activities


Ramadevi College of Education is committed to excellence and ensures comprehensive Professional Practices. Its Programmes are diverse and inclusive producing Student teachers who are involved in leadership roles. This experiential learning proves to be highly reflective and embeds values like multiculturalism, scientific temper, Team spirit co-Conscious & lifelong Learning in the professional life of our students.


In changing times along with technological development and emerging digital world, the role of teacher is also changing. To live up to this transformation, we have introduced new strategies in our pedagogical practices and new initiatives.


We are blessed with visionary management providing a holistic platform for learning, sports, cultural, community outreach, learning resources and focused training for career and employment. It Strives to inculcate the spirit of science along with professional development and skills for teacher empowerment.

The continuous and comprehensive collaborative efforts of the management, faculty, Students, alumni and all other stake holders have   cultivated a culture that is full of contentment and belongingness. Such an Endeavour undertaken on the campus of off the campus is considered as precious and these moments and memories are like that sacred thread that keeps us together as Princeton School of Education family.